Workshop Design

Workshops are custom built for your company, based on its needs.
Data from interviews and our meetings determine the exercises that are built into the workshop.
It takes about six to eight weeks from the start of interviews to workshop rollout.
We offer workshops between 90 mins to full-day long.

We offer in-person, virtual and hybrid workshops to maximize accessibility for all.

Each workshop accommodates approximately 20 participants.
Our Offerings
Workshop Customization
We are dedicated to matching your workshop to your needs...
As we create the content for your workshop, we conduct confidential interviews, which are an integral part of the curriculum design.
The interviews give us a ground-level view of the issues occurring in your workplace, individuals’ awareness levels, and an understanding of what material, pedagogy and facilitation style will best work for your staff.
Interviews serve two purposes:
1. They allow us to develop a workshop relevant to the needs of the participants.
2. They give us a better understanding of common themes relevant to the group. From these themes, we build pertinent and relatable exercises for each workshop.
The Process:
1. We will draft language that can be emailed to staff with a scheduling link for the interviews.
2. Interviews are one-hour long, conducted over Zoom, and may be anonymous.
3. When interviews are complete, we present you the broader themes from them. We will further discuss any other information that is relevant to workshop development.

Workshop Series
For clients who are willing to make a commitment to anti-oppression work, we offer a graduated series of workshops that increase in difficulty and nuance.
We recommend an 18-month commitment to three workshops - one workshop every 6 months. Employees can integrate what they have learned over time. This gap will leave time to digest concepts learned, to have an internal discussion and to engage in private reflection.
The first workshop would start with foundational concepts of identity, privilege and our individual responsibility to addressing bias.
The intermediate workshops will continue building the muscle and applying the frameworks to more nuanced topics. We will address the variety of obstacles that stop us from interrupting oppressive language and behavior. We will move from “needing the courage” to interrupting oppression because it is now an ingrained act.